
Review 2nd Term

Questions and answers

Write a question for which the underlined words are the answer.
1. 90 percent of taxes raised in Alto Adige remains within the territory.
2. He just wants a fridge that keeps food cooled and makes good ice.
3. Selfies are typically taken either with a camera held at arm’s length or in a mirror.
4. Researches used brain imaging to look at bilingual people’s comprehension abilities.
5. Harvard’s admission office is happy to offer the benefits of a gap year to freshmen because they feel it is beneficial for the students.
6. In our frenzy to succeed and to have it all, we have shortened everything.
7. The number of households subscribing to premium networks has fallen.
8. Some experts are calling for the immediate introduction of a price on carbon emissions.
9. Those who saw Armstrong as a symbol of hope felt devastated.
10. Britons are unhappier about immigration.
11. Its backers include Simon Murray.
12. Back in college, my dorm-mate and I invented a ritual.
13. A person bullies others because he thinks he is much superior to them.
14. It takes 60-90 minutes to solve the case.
15. The pack mentality allows the thieves to strike fast.
16. Nine students have been hospitalized after mixing excessive amounts of Four Loko.
 17. It takes me three months to save up for a computer game.
18. The image appeared to show a figure in medieval costume.
 19. Force of habit is a powerful thing.

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